07 June 2018

Asymmetric Warfare

Sometimes we get into such ruts in our lives that the Universe essentially gives up on trying to pound you in the face with its blatant attempts at making you realize what you need to do, what you need to change and switches its strategy up. There’s only so long that the Universe will continue to tell you something, have people and situations tell you what you know you need to know, but refuse, before it will modify its tactics and employ asymmetric warfare against your stubbornness.
When the Universe changes tactics to asymmetric warfare against your defenses which need to be broken down it attacks certain strategic points in your psyche at strategically vulnerable times. All to get you to the point where your defenses are finally broken so that you surrender to what you should be doing.
Let yourself be tackled finally so that you can reconvene in a new formation at the line of scrimmage and try a new play. Your defenses have been broken. You have to say uncle. Then and only then can you really start over for real.
Problems that remain persistently insoluble should always be suspected as questions asked in the wrong way. – Alan Watts
The Universe will attempt to breach your defenses at strategic points in your psyche instead of the head on waves of messages that it had previously sent. You already know what you need to do. It will send emissaries who will explain the terms of surrender and describe more explicitly what you need to work on once you finally raise the white flag.
You need to work on yourself. You need to better yourself. You must employ the modes of self-improvement – resources for which abound plentifully in this age of the internet – that deep down you’ve known that are necessary for you to move further. The sooner you respond to these attacks and pleas, the better able you are to assuage your pain and mitigate your losses.
Experience is a hard teacher because it gives the test first, and only then provides the lesson. – Vernon Law
Vigilance is the root of resilience. You can make it through these rough spots. You’ve possibly been in worse and made it out alive, but even if not, you do indeed have the wherewithal inside of you to make it through even if you’re completely alone in doing so. There are resources both internally and external to you to draw from.
You must cool down the obsessive thoughts and give up on negativity. When you’re in a serious mood it is easy to allow obsessive thinking and whereas emotions should not be repressed, they should also not be allowed to run the whole show.
Who said, “The mind is like a puppy. If you don’t train it, it will shit everywhere”? Well, it’s a bit true in the sense that, left untethered, the mind will take the inertia of negative thoughts and run amok throughout your whole system. It will affect your emotions, your focus, your relationships with others, your view of yourself, your view of what you know yourself to be capable of, your sleep, your overall physical body, and eventually, your humanity and the inherent will to live and persevere that exists in us all.
The easiest way to reverse this descent into negativity and ultimately madness is to simply give up. Give up to the forces both inside you – which desperately yearn for your survival and thriving – and that part of the Universe that wants the best for you that are attempting to get through to you information which you don’t want to process, but you know is right.
Experience is what you get when you get what you didn’t want. – Howard Marks
It’s all up to you. Say this to yourself because it really is. Any lasting change is going to have to come from you for you. We’ll skip the Hallmark card aisle palaver about loving yourself. No one needs to have their intelligence insulted any further with that as it doesn’t target the individual challenges that need to be met head on.
This is why we need to evaluate what obstacles need to be removed, which goals need to be striven for and the challenges that need to be overcome. You will need to craft self-discipline through showing compassion for your future self.
It might not be pleasant in the near-term, but you will feel gratitude in the future to yourself and your past self for it. As is said, self-improvement is the ultimate form of prepayment. Avoid Zero Days, i.e., do not go a single day without doing something to further your own goals; no days without doing something to get you closer to your Endgame.
Every moment happens twice: inside and outside, and they are two different histories. – Zadie Smith
Are your desires in line with your intention and vice versa? What does your ideal day look like? Is it really sipping mimosas on a beach? Or is it coming home to a house you love filled with a family you love after spending a day working on a project you love?
What fills you with passion? What is an outlet that expresses what makes you jump out of bed in the morning before the alarm even goes off? What was it that excited you to the point where you weren’t even aware of how tired you should have been or made you forget to eat?
Neurons that fire together, wire together, [the] process of imagining the future outcomes creates new neural networks in your brain that help you form new beliefs, take new actions, and adopt new perspectives – Melody Wilding
In terms of causation, it may be not so much of your present pushing you toward your intention, but rather your future pulling you towards it. For this reason, it is imperative that you are clear about your intention.
Employ second-order thinking to mitigate unforeseen and unwanted side affects or blowback from unclear or unwise intent. Getting specific about the future you want to create will help you craft a stronger mental picture. Be specific about the future you wish to make.
Use visualization to explore this future and clarify your desires for it. This will give you a stronger concept of what you truly desire for your future Endgame.
Everything goes backwards in time to conspire in just such a way that the future you intend for occurs. – Dean Radin
Develop a campaign, an overall strategy with this subsequent Endgame. Imagine ahead to what you want as your Endgame then reason backward as to what constitutes what would have to happen to achieve that. This will give you a better strategy to employ what you need to do in order to achieve your desired results.
Make sure that your desires are in line with your intent and that your intent is in line with your true desires. The clearer you are about what you want, the easier it is for the universe to do its job for you. Visualize what that desired future outcome looks like.
Remember that on the one hand, effective visualization is grounded in reality, but on the other do not let limitations such as your own present situation – however undesirable – dictate where you want to end up.
When we are fearful, we tighten our grip, hoping for more control of the chaos. Our grip strangles reality so tightly that nothing can change. When we are calm and expectant, we loosen our grip on reality. Strangely enough, the more we loosen our grip, reality gets loose and changeable. When we stop trying to force things to happen, they happen.– Adam Blackthorne
Adjust your preferred outcomes as reality changes. Be careful not to allow clouding in your view of reality. Be mindful and intellectually honest enough with yourself to allow this to be visible. Take your ego out of your line of sight. The better you understand a problem, the better you can choose actions which would embody a proper response.
Identify the tasks or knowledge that are just out of your reach, strive to upgrade your performance, monitor your progress, and revise accordingly. – Susan Cain
Remember that manifestation must have a pathway. You must find what is required in order to achieve your results. You may need to expand your palette in order to paint the picture in reality that you see in your mind.
Also remember to show gratitude. Be grateful for everything that you do have. Be grateful for what remains and grateful for what you will become and achieve and acquire. Be grateful for things that are no longer in your life that could have caused even more harm.
In showing gratitude, you inherently change your mindset. Your mental picture of both the world in general, your immediate surroundings and your own self will get brighter. Your outlook will indeed change because you are focusing on the positives that exist and are going to exist as opposed to the negatives that may exist presently and that you fear will occur. Your capacity for optimism increases whilst pessimism decreases.
None is more impoverished than the one who has no gratitude. Gratitude is a currency that we can mint for ourselves, and spend without fear of bankruptcy. —Fred De Witt Van Amburgh

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