29 March 2011

Holons and Politics

I've been giving a lot of thought to the application to my political and philosophical belief system of the concept of holons - the idea described by Koestler as the fact (at least by my lights) that systems are both self-assertive and autonomous as well as integrative parts of yet higher systems.

The self-assertive aspect of my brand of libertarianism - of taking responsibility for ones own actions and destiny - but always having a nagging question of how effective / efficacious the whole political system ties in with the integrative reality of living in 21st Century Western society; the reality of being dependent upon other individuals and groups, organizations, et al.

How does this correlate with the optimization techniques (both internal and external) of the occult and related esoterica? In my case specifically: alchemy, chaos magick and psychology, philosophy, etc...

My bent is typically to view all of this in terms of systems theory, which is why I believe the concept of holons seems to help explain things a little better to me.

Any insights would be greatly appreciated in the comments.


22 March 2011

Random Musings on a Slow Workday

With all the progress that has been made in the maths and science over the last century, it is increasingly important to have writers who can explain these, oftentimes complex, new ideas to the lay public in such a way that real understanding can be had by all.

Better communication of these ideas can more easily result in individuals or groups working in other fields becoming aware of these things which may turn out to have implications for their field and vice versa.

As specialized fields develop more and more obscure jargon to explain more and more complex concepts, the need for 'translation', as it were, back into more universally understandable language increases. This can allow for the possibility of interdisciplinary cross-pollination. In other words, we need more James Gleicks.