18 August 2010

New Moon Rising

A real quick update: We here at alchememetic are working on a new feature for your long forgotten blogspot cul-de-sac - interviews with *living* people. Our immediate focus will be on regional thinkers and doers and other internet-catchword-types.
Stop back soon (and soon is a very relative term at alchememeticillusionectomy...)

03 May 2010


Applying systems theory and the like to looking at our systems of belief and our overall philosophy so that we may 'perfect' them and clarify them. This allows us to make sound and consistent decisions in our daily lives.

Studying systems theory with this in mind helps us with identifying the organizational structures of our ideosphere. It helps with understanding what fundamental concepts we employ in deciding which more complex concepts we choose to believe, as well as which are inconsistent with our fundamental principles.

Once we identify our value system we may further look to see why we make the choices we do and whether these are consistent with our belief system as we claim it to be. Our actions truly illustrate what our actual values are.

It must be noted that these actions are by no means congruent with our stated values. Our stated values, those which we may only superficially think we hold, are nothing but stated values if, when it comes time to act accordingly or not to said values, we choose the latter. Thus, actions speak louder than words.

12 March 2010

Random thoughts

When holding a conversation with someone on a topic of which you know little or none, approach it from the standpoint of learning something new. I don't think I so much as understand better by way of metaphor, but I do prefer to attempt to find metaphors to clarify in the speaker's mind what exactly they mean when they speak of whatever it is they are speaking of. This leads them to more clearly understand what it is that they think of in regards to a particular subject; they are forced to clarify the concept in their mind in order to pass it on to me with even sufficient clarity. This allows for higher fidelity in the attempted transmission of the meme(s)(plexes) from their mind to mine. You, the presently benighted party, are more likely to get more information and less noise via the channel of communication than you might otherwise have.
Those who attempt to transfer knowledge to others without fully understanding what it is they are talking about ultimately do themselves a disservice by (memetically) misrepresenting concepts due to their (at least implicit) claim to contextual expert authority. This further can lead to an internal reinforcement to themselves that they grasp those concepts better than they actually do, therefore digging themselves into the proverbial hole.
To combat this one might say that it is possible to think and speak in E-prime in such circumstances, avoiding generalizations ('All generalizations are dangerous, even this one - Dumas) and admitting fallibility as well as fully reasoning something through whilst not insisting on and taking the tacit approach of not being wrong at all costs, being honest with oneself as well as others for, as they say, 'The truth heals clean.'