16 November 2015

Sometimes It Rains In San Francisco

Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick.
This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed.
  • Terrance McKenna
Integrative values allowing for a constellation of possibilities previously not available due to tunnel realities informed by consensus reality – monoculture. Breaking out of these parameters placed on certain modalities of thought allows for the possibility to shed new light on an entire array of new aspects with regards to understanding – it opens the world of revelatory insights. It opens the mind at first and further along may open the conscious mind to working purposefully with the subconscious mind further allowing for coordinating in its way with the Collective Unconscious – the Universe – which may bring forth manifestation of the Will.
Especially once one can move past Sacredness and the polarities inherent in both belonging to and desiring to be part of groups. Groups inherently drive members to polarities and work against depolarization. The feed the Ego. Also, by providing a prefabricated system of conceptualizing around a certain number of topics, it allows members to take on certain beliefs (which of course can inform behavior) without having to figure things out on their own. I.e., allowing for intellectual laziness. It thusly reinforces less thinking and lesser quality thinking at that. Additionally, groups which focus on negativity against those outside it typify behavior that engenders a culture of discord. Being disinclusive.
Recognizing how seemingly disparate concepts may actually compliment one another opens up a whole new world.
There are those of us on the path. The path that implies an incredibly strong desire for a deeper understanding of reality as it actually is. It seems inherent in this that a large amount of claims by those who mold consensus reality are dubious at best. As information regarding what may actually be the (bizarre) reality as it really is becomes more and more available (and those of us on the path are often adamant in finding it regardless of its apparent availability), the number of possibilities to explore multiplies.
Whether it be pet interests in indy music, parapolitics, pseudo/alternative history or quantum physics, the urge to delve deeper still is always there. The ideas of fringe thinkers take on new importance. The experiments of artists and alchemists alike hold heretofore overlooked import. As the research mounts, context for all of this increases and hence also does the understanding thereof. Articles, experiences, interactions, travels all hold a new, exciting, magical, pregnant meaning. An interests in the Fortean, the philosophical, the psychological, the mysterious – matters of consciousness – is at that point nigh inevitable. Terms like pseudoscience and fantastical hold meanings different to one at this juncture. They understand how certain terminology is employed to deter those who have been successfully reprogrammed on a subconscious level by those with a stake in the herd thinking in such terms, in such ways. Twilight language.
“In a sense, it’s no surprise that synchromysticism has links to conspiracy theory, psychedelics and occult traditions because all three are methods to deprogram oneself from cultural conditioning, a means to connect a diverse range of information and ideas, as well as a way to see the world from a more open perspective. It’s an alchemical technique to create meaning out of the chaos of current events and seemingly vapid commercial detritus that bombards us on a daily basis, and to add new layers of meaning to more enduring and celebrated works of art.”
We subconsciously react to certain words and symbols differently than our conscious mind does. It is all dependent upon our imprints and our personal narrative – how we’ve been programmed to think about and react to certain things. Our unawareness to those things makes us vulnerable to being affected in unseen, unknown ways to our encounters with them in day to day interactions.
Our subconsciouses are our way to communicate with the Universe on a direct level, but they are also what directs our thoughts and behaviors at root. Understanding this revelation is only the first step, After this, we must look at how to identify and modify what the hell exactly it is that our subconscious is doing and how it is programmed and how this programming is affecting us.
Integrative values being the depolarization of the mind and the psyche. The alchemical marriage of the left and right brain; of anima and animus. It is whole brain thinking. It is what neuroplasticity informs us of. It allows for full understanding.
…tears always have deeper roots than smiles.
  • E.M. Cioran

Stoicism should be viewed as a tool to be employed to reel in your emotions before they overtake you. Not as a way of life which inevitably takes away your humanity.

Interpretations are exploratory.
Models are explanatory.
Macro-enchantment to get things going and the micro-enchantment for the specific things to go right (the way you want them to) as opportunities arise. Ride the chaos. Learn to surrender when needed, to fail better, to know how and when to collapse and also to be proactive and say yes and know when to say fuck it.
An interesting life requires fortitude and wisdom; the ability to ride the waves of chaos in the ocean that is the direction the Universe moves you. Magic is your rigging, but the Universe provides the winds and you can’t predict the direction the winds will blow from. You can adjust your sail, but your port-of-call is up to the Universe, unless you sail past into the inevitable storm.
It is difficult to tell sometimes where one should be or be headed though. It is imperative to stave off negative energy. Not only to ward it off, but to ensure it isn’t allowed to stay inside oneself. Cleansing rituals and meditation can definitely help, but mindfulness is also necessary to keep an eye on where you are.
There is an odd synchronicity in the way parallel lives veer to touch one another, change direction, and then come close again and again until they connect and hold for whatever it was that fate intended to happen.
  • Ann Rule
Chanting as a way of reprogramming the subconscious in similar ways that sigilizing turns an intention of the Will into a symbol thus transferring it from Consciousness to Subconsciousness, so that the Subconscious can then get to work on manifesting the Intention. According to my current model/chosen interpretation, the Conscious self once it wills something (most often using intellect or desire), then has to ‘translate’ this intention into something the Subconscious can be reprogrammed to manifest, which once accomplished, can then ‘communicate’ with the Universe, the Collective Unconscious, thus changing the probability that the Universe will set a course of events to bring about this change – i.e., to manifest this change in our perceived reality (on a conscious level). This is working on the assumption that the Subconscious understands a symbol-language instead of a word-based language. Hence, the possible effectiveness of chanting something to the point where it no longer holds meaning – where the words cease to hold their original meaning, where they become mere vibrations and repetitions of intent on a conceptual level instead of being thought upon as the meanings of their words with each utterance. I believe this also plays a part into why chanting in a language which one does not know helps the Subconscious overcome this – instead it has the meaning – the symbolic meaning – of the chanted words, the sounds, the syllables transferred to it. Possibly in this way, it can ‘understand’ the true intent better than it could by means of a word-based language (implying that that would require a different set of translation). Given, word-based languages in their written form are themselves symbol sets, I’m not quite sure where I stand on this issue. Quite frankly, if it works who cares? But on a level of thinking that I find comfortable, I still find it somewhat necessary to parse and pursue such questions.
Conscious intent > Subconscious reprogramming > Universe changing the winds of chaos in accordance > greater probability of manifestation in the plane we exist on.
This explains why a means of manifestation is important. Why if your intention can only be manifested in the dreamworld or the astral plane, then that is where your intention will most likely manifest. If there is a means of manifestation in the waking world, then you still should be doing everything you consciously can to work toward this goal without relying on the admittedly absurd belief that magic will do everything for you.
It is looking like it is going to be quite an undertaking to understand all the systems I want to in order that I may understand as fully as possible the overall overlapping concepts. Ie, practical magic, alchemy, tarot, astrology, psychology, western philosophy, eastern mystic schools, kabbalah, numerology, meditation and visualization techniques. etc. There are so many overlaps between them all. Underlying, seems to be the 7 Hermetic Principles. The Conscious, Subconscious and Collective Unconscious. As above, so below. So without, so within. Macro/microcosm. The Will and intention of the conscious translating into a symbolic ‘language’ that the Subconscious can work with as it conveys this intention to the machinations of the Collective Unconscious to manifest change via manipulating the probabilities of occurrences in the chaos of the Universe.
Thus we arrive at the sobering conclusion that although this universe contains enough Chaos to allow magic it doesn’t contain enough to permit gross miracles in a hurry.
The magician will need to target events which depend on very small energy or entropy changes and the results won’t often look much like spectacular parapsychology, they will look more like a series of events going somewhat improbably in the desired direction.
  • Peter J Carroll
Asymmetrical warfare insofar as the universe stopping with symmetrical warfare in terms of breaking you down with people telling you the same thing over and over even when you know they might be right. When the universe changes tactics to asymmetrical warfare against your defenses which need to be broken down and attacks certain strategic points in your psyche at strategically vulnerable times. All to get you to the point where your defenses are finally broken so that you surrender to what you should be doing. Let yourself be tackled finally so that you can line up at the line of scrimmage again and try a new play. Your defenses have to be broken. You have to say uncle. Then and only then can you really start over for real.
The idea of choosing to surrender allowing for a kind of controlled demolition.
Lust for results is pointless. Realizing that it doesn’t matter either way and just stop looking. Again. Give up the wild goose chases so that you don’t miss the pheasant…or the chicken on sale at the grocery store.

The halo and horns effect in regards to how our friends and also how we view certain cultures. Also how our experience with and immersion in certain relationships, situations and cultures affect our confirmation biases from moment to moment.

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