25 January 2012

Present Models Affect Present Outlook

Thirteen years ago I started writing a book which I titled around the same time, "The Means to Self-Idealization". That's awfully pretentious phrasing for an 18 year old, but it got me thinking about a slew of other creatives and both mine and others' criticisms over the years of their aims and directions (specifically the changes thereof). I realized - possibly for the first time explicitly, at least - that everyone takes their direction (and, once again, changes thereof) from their current model of both reality and, hence, what they perceive it to be and the reality tunnels that are predominant in their view of reality.

The resulting effect of this insight is a necessary viewing anew the judgment I and others have of the work and everyday behavior/thinking of everyone else [poor wording - review later]. Who's to say that Van Halen didn't feel that a new direction was the way to go with the addition of Sammy Hagar after losing David Lee Roth? It also helps in understanding where people may go 'astray' when looking at their change in circumstances in this light. Sometimes people get into some shit and that eventually (sooner or later) leads to in a new reality tunnel from which they view everything else. Whether they are aware of this oftentimes (in my experience with humans) plays a large part into whether or not they attempt to get out of said shit, but the point to be made remains.

In summation, my view now is that we might all benefit from keeping this in mind when critiquing others' apparent changes in behavior/thinking.

As always, comments, suggestions, etc. are quite appreciated and encouraged.

Blessed be in 23

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