22 June 2009

The Gray Area

So often people like to take the ambiguous, complex aspects of reality and attempt to make them black and white in their heads. This can lead to many problems as this constructs mental misrepresentations of reality and thus they are unable to properly deal with things as they really are. This goes back to the problem of one not dealing with reality as it really is and the problems that stem from that.

'The psychic task which a person can and must set for himself, is not to feel secure, but to be able to tolerate insecurity, without panic and undue fear.' -Erich Fromm The Sane Society p. 174.


A-hizzle said...

Very true, my homey. You must expound and pontificate on this subject (in all of your vast amount of free time... :) )

Garrett said...

*The black and the white world/and the gray in between.

*Attributed to Emily Dickinson.

オテモヤン said...
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Alchememetic said...

@Garrett, nice! Thank you, sir.