24 July 2008

How Far Have I Really Come?

Found this sitting on the hd the other day. Hmm...I don't know if I really agree with all of it, but I was reading a lot of wierd shit at the time. Enjoy.

6 December 2004

Man has no intrinsic, inborn, fate-determined destiny or purpose. You make your own purpose. All existence is one (as above, so below; micro/macrocosm); we are only different because our self-reference allows us to negate and realize our being, our subjectivity. Increase awareness and understanding. Gain knowledge and learn to properly connect it and conciliate it. Tap into your divinity. There is no supernatural, just aspects of nature which are not widely understood. God is the infinite, the nameless – that which cannot be understood given the holistic nature of God – everything is ‘God’, being is ‘God’, infinity is ‘God’. We are just different patterns of the same energy as everything else. These patterns create systems, subsystems, and metasystems. Look at the similarities of the physical patterns against information patterns. Dreaming as reorganization of memes (or ‘filing away’) and the mind coming up with stories to explain why you are thinking what you are thinking (compare with the plasticity of the brain). Transform negative experiences into something that furthers you, makes you grow. Altruism breeds victimology.

Appreciate your challenges. Transform yourself: Extropian Alchemy.

Mind expansion!

Higher awareness – being aware of life and of living!

Realizing your subjectivity, and even more profound, realizing you are the unknown Other to everyone else, or more specifically in everyone else’s subjective perceptions. Other people have their interesting views of you that you are unaware of. They see you as something you are not. You are what you do, your actions, and what you have done. But the majority of people have no idea who you are, let alone what you have done which makes you who you are, and furthermore, you to yourself are something different than what you do.

Sartre, by saying that you are who you are through your actions (I presume) is implying that that is who you are to everyone else. Quite on the contrary, you have the intimate knowledge of your thoughts (whether acted upon or not) and also your unique subjective perception of the world and thusly, are a much different person to yourself than you are to others. And on top of this, every other individual has their own unique perception of you whether it be from different shared experiences with you, hearing different stories about you, meeting you at different times of your life (or day for that matter). This, to an extent, references to the question of who we are: the ‘every changing “I”’.

Are we really the same ‘I’ that we were ten years ago? Firstly, our cells regenerate every seven years (or so), so technically our bodies are not the same, but our minds, though having taken on many more memes are along the continuity/continuum (as far as an autobiographical ‘narrative’ of experiences, et cetera). But I pretty much believe that our minds are the product of our brains (bodies/soma) and so henceforth, discounting the mind/body duality. So, are memories/memes somehow made physical when ‘recorded’ in our brains? If this is so, then our memories must be copied to newer cells (check on the factuality behind this as in neurons and neuronal connections) before the cells are replaced. [Sounding a bit too much like Dianetics (engrams and such)> find out how much more physiology/neuropsychology has discovered; ‘electric patterns/neuron-firing patterns’].

If all you do is self-directed, how can you feel like you are living? One action can change how people think of you completely. Up until you do a particular action people may say that they ‘Didn’t think you were “capable” of doing it.’ Of course, this can have positive or negative connotations. So who are you really? You are many people; you are many possibilities. On a daily basis, most people tend to act according to probabilities, but that in turn is more often than not a form of laziness; continuing along patterns of mere existence and fortifying the status quo.

I am not here trying to proselytize the reader into chaos or anarchy, but saying rather to find positive purpose in ones life so that one may move towards something better – to improve as opposed to just staying the same way, which is never as optimal as it could be (tautological? – is it possible to be more optimal?)

Experiences can create memes because they replicate the situation in objective reality into a mental state in the brain. This mentalization can then be conferred to another brain i.e., replicated.

What is the relation between experiential memes and fundamental memes? Experiential memes can possibly be viewed as a combination between memes and qualia. Fundamental memes are irreducible, and are the foundations on which more complex memes are based upon, or at least enabled by.

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