22 June 2008

Adaptability and Corporate Urination

The greater ones ability to adapt, the more effective one becomes in more life situations. The more knowledge one has, the greater the possibility of greater adaptability. It is necessary for a wise, co-intelligent, overarching, (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) ecological view of each situation in order to employ the right methods of adaptability for each situation.

The key is responding appropriately to specific stimuli: correct response. Furthering ones awareness increases the ability to respond correctly. This requires having both awareness of ones environment and the events occurring at a given time; and also those likely to occur as a consequence to current events and the situation surrounding them as well as possible alternative responses to the situation(s) as it/they arise.

Knowledge of current situations and the ability to correctly respond results in greatly decreased stress as stress seems to stem from the frustration brought about by not knowing how to correctly respond to a situation or an event confronting an individual. An apparent inability to do anything about a seemingly negative situation too may be a stressor, but further awareness can either lead to possible responses (which can lead to a solution) or the summoning of the peace of mind that comes with an understanding of a situation and its probable consequences; i.e. when something is ‘out of ones control’ (or at least appears to be) and one is able to accept life as it happens and deal with the oncoming situations as they arise.

Having a fuller ability to deal with diverse situations (adaptability / flexibility) engenders self-efficacy, which when employed successfully, leads to increased self-esteem over time. Understanding leads to greater awareness which leads to the possibility of greater adaptability when in conjunction with humanistic conscience and the discipline in action that stems from it.

Along with dealing with situations as they arise, awareness can also help with avoiding situations which may be detrimental in the first place further allowing one to limit even possible stress from rearing its head. Doing away with self-illusions / -delusions enable one to deal with situations as they are, not as one wants or wishes them to be, which, in turn, gives the individual the best information to work with further enabling one to correctly respond.

Of course, this may be stressful, but if one opens ones mind and escapes from consensus reality, the opportunities for growth in awareness arise and, if taken, will allow for a greater ability to deal with said situations and correct response; i.e. adaptability / flexibility is possible.

Corporations Pissing on Free Market Capitalism via Adjudicated Anthropomorphisis

Is it the case that local governments would do better to hinder individual and group efforts to reinvigorate urban areas less than to attempt to aid in such enterprises? In other words, should they just stay out and not attempt to help implying that their attempted ‘help’ would actually impede any such progress, whereas inaction would be preferable to a successful outcome?

If corporate personhood were revoked, then corporate responsibility would cease to be a near-meaningless tagline in an investment brochure and would have actual ramifications in the real world. Increased personal responsibility and self-reliance necessitates more self-awareness on the part of the individual and hence the rate of both personal and social transformation grows at a more and more rapid pace.

The revocation of corporate personhood would lead to a decrease in unethical practices because the owners of corporations would be legally held liable in such matters as individuals. This would include the practice of lobbying and, hence, the corrupt relationships between government and business which has led to many of our current problems and subsequent frustrations.

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